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Safe Sleep Policy


The purpose of this policy is to inform parents, staff, and visitors of our procedures to ensure the safe sleep of children in our care.

Links to the Legal Framework:

This policy considers Sections 3.45–3.47 (Health) and Sections 3.55–3.56 (Safety) of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Requirements.


At Little Bam Bams Curiosity Village, we operate a Safe Sleep Policy that specifies the “back to sleep” position. Our policy requires that key persons discuss the Safe Sleep Policy with a child’s parent or guardian before admission during settling-in sessions. Parents or guardians must read and sign to confirm they have read and understood the policy.

Acronyms Used in This Policy:

  • SIDS: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • FSIDS: Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
  • SUDI: Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy


  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): The unexpected death of a seemingly healthy baby for which no cause of death can be determined after an autopsy, investigation of the place where the baby died, and a review of the baby’s medical history.
  • Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI): The sudden and unexpected death of a baby when there is no apparent cause of death.

Safe Sleep Procedures:

In the belief that proactive steps can be taken to lower the risk of SIDS and SUDI in childcare settings, Little Bam Bams Curiosity Village will implement the following Safe Sleep Policy:

  • All key persons will receive training on our Infant Safe Sleep Policy and SIDS risk reduction.
  • Babies will always be placed on their backs to sleep. Exceptions are made if a child has a medical condition, supported by documentation from a medical practitioner.
  • FSID recommends placing babies on their backs to sleep. If babies can easily turn over from back to stomach, they may adopt their preferred sleeping position. However, staff must remember that children cannot always turn themselves back, and they should discuss any preferences with the child’s key person.
  • Babies’ feet will be placed at the foot of the cot, with their head not at the top.
  • Visual and auditory supervision is required at all times. Practitioners must visually check on a sleeping baby or child at least every 10 minutes, observing the rise and fall of the chest and any changes in sleep position. These positions will be documented on the safe sleep chart initiated by the early year’s practitioner. As a good practice, we monitor babies under six months every five minutes until we are familiar with their sleeping routines.
  • A staff member will always be present with sleeping children, monitoring their position and breathing.
  • Steps will be taken to prevent babies from becoming too warm or overheating by regulating room temperature, avoiding excess bedding, and not overdressing or over-wrapping the baby. The room temperature will be kept at about 18°C (65°F).
  • Gaps between the cot bars will be less than 6.5 cm, and the space between the mattress and cot will not exceed 4 cm.
  • All babies and young children who sleep at Little Bam Bams Curiosity Village should sleep in a cot or on a sleep mat. Staff members are encouraged to avoid situations where babies may sleep in a nesting ring, car seat, or bouncy chair. However, we recognize that this may sometimes be unavoidable, such as when a baby falls asleep in the car on the way to or from a trip. These situations will be carefully monitored, with the understanding that a sleeping baby or child will be moved into a cot or onto a sleep mat when possible.
  • Babies’ heads will not be covered with blankets or bedding, and cots will not be covered. Babies will have individual bedding that is regularly washed and will never be put down to sleep with a bottle to self-feed.
  • Loose bedding, pillows, bumper pads, etc., will not be used in cots. Cellular blankets will be used and tucked into the sides of cots and sleep mats.
  • Bibs will be removed before placing babies in the cot.
  • Awake babies will be given supervised “tummy time” as part of their physical development.
  • Toys and stuffed animals will not be allowed in the child’s cot unless it is their comforter. Comforters will be removed once the child is asleep.
  • A safety-approved cot with a firm fitting mattress and tight-fitting sheet will be used.
  • Only one baby will be placed in a cot at a time, except during emergencies, fire drills, or lockdown procedures.
  • No smoking is permitted on the premises. Staff who smoke will ensure that their clothes and breath do not smell of smoke when caring for babies and children, as stated in our smoking policy. Practitioners must allow at least a 30-minute window before caring for babies and children.
  • All parents of babies cared for at Little Bam Bams Curiosity Village will receive a written copy of our Safe Sleep Policy before admission.

Parental Involvement:

We recognize parents’ knowledge of their child concerning sleep routines and will, where possible, work together to ensure each child’s individual sleep routines and well-being continue to be met. However, staff will not force a child to sleep or keep them awake against their will. We will not usually wake children from their sleep. Staff will discuss any changes in sleep routines at the end of the day and share observations and information. Even with consent from parents, we will not place a child to sleep in any position other than their back.

For further information, visit:

Policy written by: Esther Melville-Cox
Date written: March 2021
Amendments made to policy by: Esther Hillcox in August 2023
(Changes include specifying that children will be placed to sleep on their back, even if consent is given for other positions. This is now reflected on ‘All About Me’ forms.)
Next review due: August 2025