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Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is EVERYONE’S Responsibility.

Purpose of Policy:

Little Bam Bams is committed to safeguarding children and ensuring that they receive quality care throughout their time with us. This policy outlines our role as a childcare provider in terms of child protection and details the actions we implement to ensure children’s safety and well-being. It informs parents of our measures to keep their children safe, explains the referral process, and identifies the parties involved. This policy aims to help parents and carers understand their role in safeguarding, emphasizing that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility.

Links to Framework:

This policy refers to Section 3 of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, which provides safeguarding and welfare requirements. It mandates that providers must be aware of any issues or concerns in a child’s life, whether at home or elsewhere, including other settings. Providers must have a policy that is implemented, reviewed, and updated in line with any government or Local Safeguarding Children’s Board changes. According to Section 3.5, all staff should receive relevant training and support in safeguarding to ensure they are confident in completing a referral.


Child Protection and Safeguarding Children: What’s the Difference?

  • Child Protection is the act of protecting children from harm, focusing on those who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
  • Safeguarding Children is a broader term that covers prevention of child abuse and includes strategies like Early Help to prevent significant harm before it occurs.

The Working Together to Safeguard Children document (2018) emphasizes that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We should all work together with a child-centered approach, prioritizing children’s needs and welfare. Safeguarding involves multi-agency collaboration, including childcare practitioners, schoolteachers, general practitioners, health visitors, and local authority designated safeguarding officers.

Policy Statement

Little Bam Bams believes all children have the right to be protected from harm at all times. Children experience a more positive learning environment when they are kept happy, healthy, and safe. According to the Children Act (1989), children must be respected, and their views should be valued. At Little Bam Bams, we ensure that children have a happy, safe, and stimulating environment to grow and succeed. We handle all disclosures professionally and sensitively, following appropriate local authority guidance and our safeguarding policy. Disclosures and allegations are addressed within 28 days as set by the statutory framework for the EYFS. Parents/carers will be made aware of the setting’s safeguarding policy during the induction periods.

Safeguarding Practices at Little Bam Bams

Our main priority is to safeguard children. It is crucial to maintain professional curiosity when working with children and families around safeguarding concerns. Information must be kept confidential and shared only with relevant individuals, such as the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Front Door (previously MASH), or OFSTED.

Little Bam Bams observes children regularly, and we are vigilant about changes in appearance, behavior, or attendance. If there are concerns about neglect, abuse, or radicalization, we are responsible for referring these to the Front Door team, who will make inquiries and coordinate with other agencies linked to the child.

Procedures for Handling Concerns:

  • Use the Children, Young People, and Families Support Level Guidance and Framework for Practitioners to determine the appropriate route.
  • Complete a Request for Help and Support Form within 24 hours for definite child protection concerns and share this with the Front Door team.
  • The Front Door team will respond within one working day, advising on further steps or concluding no further action is needed.

If concerns are not deemed a child protection issue, consent must be obtained from parents/carers to start an Early Help Assessment (EHA). If parents/carers refuse, we will assess if the child’s situation could worsen; if so, a full child protection referral will be made.

Documentation and Reporting:

  • All concerns or disclosures are accurately recorded on ‘incident forms,’ kept confidential in children’s files.
  • Allegations against staff are logged on an ‘incident log’ and shared with the LADO and Ofsted within 14 days of the allegation being made.
  • Parents/carers are informed about making formal complaints to Ofsted. (See ‘Complaints Policy’ for more information.)

Types of Abuse:

1. Neglect: Failure to meet a child’s basic needs (e.g., food, clothing, shelter).

  • Signs: Malnourished, dirty clothing, untreated injuries, constant hunger, poor hygiene.

2. Physical Abuse: Physical actions that harm a child (e.g., hitting, shaking).

  • Signs: Burns, bruises, cuts, broken limbs, aggression, fear of others.

3. Emotional Abuse: Persistent abusive language or actions that lower a child’s self-esteem.

  • Signs: Lack of confidence, anxiety, aggression, social withdrawal, mood swings.

4. Sexual Abuse: Forcing or persuading a child into sexual acts or exposure to inappropriate material.

  • Signs: Inappropriate behaviors, detailed knowledge of sexual acts, genital injuries, verbal disclosures.

5. Domestic Abuse: Controlling behavior within a relationship, leading to various types of abuse.

  • Signs: Emotional distress, fear, physical injuries, changes in behavior.

Special Types of Abuse:

  • Child Exploitation and Trafficking: Involves recruiting, transporting, and exploiting children against their will.

    • Signs: Unexplained absences, involvement in gangs, inappropriate relations.
  • Honour-Based Abuse (e.g., FGM, Forced Marriages): Acts committed to protect family or community honor.

    • Signs of FGM: Long holidays abroad, family visits, special ceremonies.
    • Signs of Forced Marriage: Depression, self-harming, long holidays abroad.
  • Radicalization and Extremist Behavior: Vulnerable individuals drawn into extremist views or activities.

    • Signs: Increased anger, secretive behavior, disrespectful attitudes, isolation.
  • County Lines: Exploitation of children by gangs to transport drugs and money.

    • Signs: Involvement in gangs, unexplained injuries, criminal activities.

Additional Safeguarding Areas

Non-Attendance: Monitor absences and contact parents to ascertain reasons. Concerns are reported to the MASH team.

Racism/Discrimination/Gender-Based Issues: Encourage fair treatment and prevent bullying or discrimination within the setting.

Peer-on-Peer Abuse: Recognize that abuse can occur between peers and handle concerns professionally, ensuring consistency in safeguarding policies.

Whistleblowing: Concerns about staff behavior should be reported to management or Ofsted.

Domestic Abuse: Report any signs of domestic violence affecting children to local authorities.

Human Trafficking/Slavery: Report concerns of trafficking to the Front Door team or emergency services if necessary.

Operation Encompass: A partnership between police and education to provide immediate support for children experiencing domestic abuse.

Promoting Welfare

Little Bam Bams promotes the welfare of children by ensuring they are kept happy, healthy, and safe. We encourage fair treatment, provide diverse activities to promote social skills, and ensure healthy meals and snacks. We also implement rigorous risk assessments and maintain a safe environment through security measures and policies on mobile phone usage.

Health, Safety, and Security: Children are released only to known individuals, security cameras are used, and risk assessments are conducted for all activities and outings.

E-Safety: Internet use is monitored, and devices are restricted to educational purposes only, with appropriate safeguards in place.

Babysitting: A strict no-babysitting policy is in place to safeguard staff and children.

Social Media: Staff are not allowed to disclose their work information on social media, and all content posted by Little Bam Bams is carefully managed and consented.

Safeguarding Staff: Staff must protect themselves by adhering to professional boundaries, avoiding inappropriate relationships with parents, and following all safeguarding guidelines.

Child Protection Legislation:

  • Children Act (1989, 2004)
  • Education Act (2002, 2011)
  • Female Genital Mutilation Act (2003)
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2012)
  • Protection of Freedoms Act (2012)
  • Children and Families Act (2014)
  • Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015)

Statutory Guidance:

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018)


  • The Front Door (previously MASH): 0300 555 0050
  • Local Authority Designated Officer: 01384 813 061 | Email:
  • Police – Child Abuse Investigation Unit: 0845 113 5000 / 0121 626 8138
  • Dudley Safeguarding Board: 0300 555 0050
  • Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY): 0300 003 0050
  • Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team: 0300 555 8574
  • Early Help Service Team Via SPA: 0300 555 8574
  • Safeguarding Team Cross Street Health Care: 01384 366 210
  • Black Country and Dudley Co-ordinator for Prevent: 01384 841 736 / 07557 323 157
  • DFE Helpline: 0207 340 7264
  • Parents Against the Sexual Exploitation of Children National Support Line: 0113 240 5226
  • ‘Family Lives’ Charity Support Line: 0808 800 2222

For more information about types of abuse, visit You can also download the Prevent Duty Guidance (2015) for more information regarding prevent, radicalization, and extremist behaviors.

Policy written by: Esther Melville
Date policy written: March 2021
Policy amended by: Esther Melville, July 2023
Next review date: July 2024

This formatted policy provides a clear and structured outline of Little Bam Bams’ commitment to safeguarding children.